HOW TO: Add Allergies to SNAP

  1. Create the new Allergy in PSNI Snap
    1. Navigate to Snap Health Center > Library > View/Edit Libraries > Student Data > Conditions/Alerts
    2. Scroll down until you find Allergy > Food:... under Conditions
    3. Locate the allergy that alphabetically comes immediately after the allergy you need to enter and click on it.
    4. Click New under Item Editing
    5. Enter the name of the new allergy using exactly the following format:
      1. Food: allergy name (ie. "Food: Apples" or "Food: Bananas")
        1. Note: Deviation from the above described format will prevent allergies from appearing in Child Nutrition's Mosaic system.
        2. Note: DO NOT use Semicolons (;) in your allergy names, this will break the sync
      2. Do not make any adjustments to Default priority
    6. Click Save
    7. Drag and drop the newly created allergy up or down as needed to relocate it in the allergy list.
    8. Click Save All
    9. Click OK

  2. Create the new Allergy in Mosaic
    1. Navigate to Mosaic > Setup > Initial Setup > Medical Alert
    2. Click Add
    3. Under Medical Alert Name, enter the name of the new allergy exactly as you entered it in PSNI Snap, EXCEPT, do not include the prefix of "Food: "
      1. Examples:
        1. Enter "Apples", not "Food: Apples"
        2. Enter "Bananas", not "Food: Bananas"
    4. Click Save