HOW TO: Add Allergies to Student(s)

  1. Navigate to Snap Health Center > Locate & view students record > Cond/Alerts
  2. Click New
  3. Under Condition/Alert heading, click on the new dropdown box and scroll down until you find the allergy you want to apply OR alternatively, click on the dropdown box and begin typing the allergy your looking for (ie. "Allergy-Food: Apples" OR "Allergy-Food: Bananas")
    Note: If the allergy you are looking for is not in the list, refer to HOW TO: Ad Allergies to SNAP.
  4. Click on the allergy you wish to select
  5. Under Shared on the right hand side of the Conditions/Alerts screen, click the No to change it to Yes
    Note: Failure to set Shared to Yes will prevent the allergy from appearing on the students record in Child Nutrition's Mosaic system.
  6. Click OK
  7. Following the overnight sync, the newly applied allergy will now show on the students record in PSNI Snap, PowerSchool and Mosaic POS.